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Reflections on Parties and Their Place in Politics

Lessons from 2020 (that I can't yet prove)
Some political lessons we can learn from 2020, even if we don't have all the evidence yet.

Seth Masket
Dec 23, 20204 min read

For Democrats, There Is No Margin Big Enough To Sleep Well
2016 was traumatizing for many Democrats, who won't trust a polling lead again for years to come

Seth Masket
Oct 23, 20204 min read

Parties pick Vice Presidents, and they're not bad at it
The VP nominee process looks a lot like the one party reformers have been pushing for the presidency

Seth Masket
May 18, 20205 min read

The Extremely Visible Primary for the Vice Presidential Nomination
Azari and Masket look at an unusually public campaign for the vice presidential slot and what that tells us about parties.
The Staff
May 1, 202010 min read

Are Parties Weak or Strong, Part II
Part II of whether the parties are weak or strong, with a look at the end of the 2020 nomination contest and Biden's strengths as a nominee.
The Staff
Apr 17, 20207 min read

Are Parties Weak or Strong, Part I
Julia Azari and Seth Masket argue over whether parties are strong or weak, focusing on Kamala Harris' withdrawal.
The Staff
Apr 16, 202010 min read

The Carolina Comeback in Light of 2016
The Dems did in three days what the GOP failed to do in all of 2015 and 2016: coordinate on a candidate.
Seth Masket
Mar 4, 20204 min read

Is the Party Deciding?
After Joe Biden won the South Carolina primary, a lot of power players in the Democratic Party have come to his aid. Rivals Pete...
Hans Noel
Mar 4, 20203 min read

Fine, Dems are in Disarray. Here's Why.
The normal calculations a party makes when deciding on a nominee have been short-circuited this cycle.
Seth Masket
Feb 19, 20205 min read

The Iowa Caucuses look crazy from a distance, but you should see them up close...
This year, I took a group of Georgetown's best students to Iowa to see the nation's first caucuses unfold. (I'm taking groups to New...
Hans Noel
Feb 5, 202014 min read

At the end of the invisible primary
As the invisible primary comes to an end, a look at how much work the party has already done.
Seth Masket
Feb 3, 20203 min read

Bernie Sanders is the logical successor to the Trump presidency
As the Iowa caucuses approach, there’s been lots of talk on the internet about whether Bernie Sanders can win. He’s gained support in the...
Julia Azari
Jan 29, 20205 min read

The Case for Covering Bernie Differently
Sanders has significant strengths, but may have a harder time than other candidates in translating those into a majority of delegates.
Seth Masket
Jan 27, 20204 min read

Not all Democratic primary voters are as “woke” as your Twitter feed
Many engaged Democrats debate the merits of the large field of presidential candidates on social media, and this conversation can...
The Staff
Dec 3, 20194 min read

Who gets the nomination will tell us a lot about how strong the party is
What would each nominee tell us about the strengths of the party?
Seth Masket
Nov 12, 20194 min read

Second choice data from Democratic voters shows Warren with an advantage
The 2020 Democratic primary process is heating up. The field of Democrats is already winnowing, and there are a lot of data-driven tea...
Jennifer N. Victor
Sep 18, 20193 min read

Don't look now, but the DNC got powerful
The DNC never had the kind of power that its critics accused it of abusing. Now it does.
Seth Masket
Sep 12, 20193 min read

Identity, Ideology, and Electability
Voters tend to see women and people of color as more ideologically extreme even when they're not.
Seth Masket
Aug 20, 20194 min read

A party-orchestrated departure
Hickenlooper's withdrawal shows the heavy hand of the party working to steer him toward a Senate race.
Seth Masket
Aug 15, 20193 min read

What can 2016 tell us about 2020?
It may be that 2020 teaches us more about 2016 than the other way around. What if Trump hadn’t run, or what if hadn’t received the intense b
Hans Noel
Aug 14, 20194 min read
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